MeadolarkThis is one of my favorite quotes. Yes I've used it in a past blog: Enjoy Each Moment.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery.

Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.

~Bill Keane

Are you living in the past? Are you so focused on what happened yesterday, the day before, the week before or further back? 


Some people get so preoccupied on what happened 'way back when' they cannot be present in the here and now. 


I believe the past is important. I feel experiences we have had, have helped to mold and define who we are right now. It's as though each experience, no matter what it was, is a thread in the weaving of who we are today. So yes, I believe our past experiences play a role in today.


I also feel the future is important as long as we aren't so focused and so set on exactly how it has to be that we have blinders on what is going on around us, now.


Last night coming home from a friend's house, I adjusted my rear view mirror. I needed to adjust it again and then I noticed it was in my hand instead of stuck to the windshield where it was supposed to be. Oops!


Since it has electronics in it, there was a cord connecting it so I needed to hold it up the last 10 minutes of my ride. It gets heavy let me tell you!  And now I'm sitting in the Subaru service area getting it fixed. 🙂 Yeah!


Am I so busy looking behind me, to my past that I'm not focusing on where I'm going and what's going on around me, right now? I didn't think so but it's an interesting question for me. And if it's a good question for me, it's a good one for you too.

  • Do you look at your past as experiences to learn from? Not a bad thing or a good thing, but a thing to learn from.
  • Do you have future goals in mind that you're working towards while still being open to changes that may occur along the way?
  • Do you take notice as to what's going on right now, with your mind, with your body, with your surroundings?

Learn from the past. Plan for the future. Live in this present moment as it is all we have. 


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC


PS This photo may be a bit strange, but some of you Madison Peeps, look closely. You may recognize a name in the photo. 🙂 Let me know if you found it in the comments below the blog.