Dear Ones,

Today we wish to speak of the newness of each moment.

Imagine you are walking on the side of the ocean. The waves are lapping up onto your feet. It feels refreshing and your foot sinks in ever so slightly as the water washes around them. The sounds you hear are of the seagulls off in the distance, the smell of the ocean is all around you. You turn around and you can see your footprints have all disappeared. It’s as if no one has been there.

The water of the ocean has a coolness to it, not cold, but cool. It feels good on your feet and ankles. You can feel the sun warming your head and the rest of your body. And there is a slight breeze that keeps it just the perfect temperature for you.

You realize with each step you are taking you have a choice. You can choose to see and feel the perfection of this moment or you can choose to feel different [too cold, too hot, too windy, my feet are sinking, etc.]

It truly is your choice, to be in this moment, as a fresh newness or not. You can choose to be excited about where you are going. You can choose to be open to what is before you.

You can also choose to release the past [your footprints fill in with the water and the sand] as you continue to move forward. Allow yourself to release the past to the elements of the ocean and the sun and the wind. Allow yourself to feel the salt water cleansing your feet with each step. You can choose.

We are here to assist in any way we can. All you need do is ask.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC