Screen Shot 2016-04-09 at 7.38.15 PM"Breaking Barriers* / I am expanding beyond limitations into joy and freedom!"

At first glance with this card you could see what looks like either dead branches or thorns. When you look closer at this card you can see there are a few new leaves of new growth and what looked like 'dead' branches is really new growth coming in. There is also wonderful light coming in from above.

Where do you want to put your focus? 

Nurture what you want to expand in your life. Nurture the new buds coming in. Allow the light to shine and help it to flourish. If there is 'dead' that needs to be cut away, do it. It will help the new growth to have the room it needs to expand.

Here is something you can do to help with your expansion – right now.

  • Stand with your arms outstretched, open palms, up to the sky. 
  • Feel your chest and your heart expand. 
  • Breathe deeply three times (in though the nose and out through the mouth). 
  • Allow a sense of peace to wash over you.
  • You may want to <sigh>.

Look around in your life and see what needs to be nurtured and what may need to be pruned.

Angel Blessings to you,

Empowerment 4 You LLC

*Denise Linn's Gateway deck