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This card is quite funny today. It’s from the Gateway Oracle deck*. I’m shuffling the deck and this card flips over so it’s quite obvious this is the card for this blog.


The reason this card is funny is because we are smack in the middle of a Mercury retrograde. For those of you that are familiar with this, you know Mercury rules all types of communication and whenever it goes retro, there are mis-communications all over the place. It’s good to get clarifications on everything, sometimes multiple times and ways (as my chimes sound yes), when Mercury is in retrograde.


The card reads “I communicate from the depths of my being.” This is all about speaking your truth, speaking up with what is right for you. If that means putting up boundaries, telling someone you are done with them, letting someone know you love them or sharing with them they hurt you or you care about them, speak from your heart.


The depths of my being is what you really feel, not what they want to hear. It is sharing what is true for you.


If you look at the picture, of what is coming out of in the form of the communication bubble it appears to be ‘in the flow.’ 


These words ‘ease and grace’ have come to me this week. Speak your truth with ease and grace. Speak from your heart with love.


Communicate Freely and openly, from your heart with ease and grace. Several mantras or affirmations to choose from:

  • I communicate with love
  • I communicate with ease and grace
  • I communicate from the depths of my soul
  • I communicate openly, easily and with love

Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC



Mercury Retrograde articles:


How to Survive Mercury Retrograde!

Sep 17: Mercury Retrograde, Jupiter opposes Neptune, Saturn in Sagittarius!

Mercury Retrograde and What it Means for You



*Gateway Oracle deck created by Denise Linn