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Dietary Change / “Improve your diet and your life will also improve.” This is a great card* showing up in the midst of the holiday eating season.


Tis the season for eating right now. This doesn’t give us the go ahead to over eat and over indulge with every passing day going into the holiday season. We can all still practice some self control over what we put in our mouths.


The Fairies are reminding us that it’s important to maintain good eating habits. We want to keep our bodies clear so we can hear the Angels and the Fairies messages. Fairies are the nature Angels and they are great at manifesting what we want in our lives.


It’s always wonderful to gather with friends and family we may not have seen in a long while. Focus on the gathering and having fun rather than the eating. Make healthier choices.


If you are out to eat with a small group you can always get a couple of plates and share so everyone gets a smaller portion rather than each getting your own. It’s also an opportunity to try things you maybe would not try otherwise.


In the past you may have allowed yourself to get out of hand with the sweets and the treats. This year ask the Angels and the Fairies to keep your eating in check. It will help with your energy levels too.


We all have free will to do as we choose. I would bet though, if you really listen to your body, your Angels, the Fairies, before you take that cookie, they may be recommending you choose a glass of water or go for a quick walk instead.


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC



*Magical Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue