eye3Hey everyone. Today’s blog is a little different so please play along. Let’s just call it special. There is a special guest today I’d like to introduce you to.



Grab a mirror, look deep into your eyes, and read the following, lovingly, filling in your name when you see <Sue>:


Dearest, Sweetest <Sue>,


I am so very grateful you have come here, at this time and space to be human. I am glad you are in my life. You are my life!


You are a blessing, right now, this very moment. You are worthy of all the wonderful things you desire.


Repeat after me (out loud please and as many times as you would like):


I love you.

I am blessed.

I am love.

I am joy.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.


Close your eyes for as long as you’d like and know you are surrounded with love and light. You are truly loved beyond all measure.


Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You




Ultimate Blog Challenge