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Humpback Whale* / Music is essential to your healing and well-being, whether singing, playing an instrument or listening.


The Humpback Whale reminds us to bring music into our lives. It doesn’t matter where the music is coming from. It is another tool for our healing.


Maybe you play specific music while driving. And still, do you pay attention to it or is it just something to have in the background as your driving?


Whales have their own music going, their own songs they sing to each other. It may be their mating song or a song of love or maybe it’s just a song to calm the other sea creatures. If you have ever been whale watching california you may have even been lucky enough to hear it!


What music is playing in your head or in your heart? Do you allow it come out for others to hear and enjoy or do you save it for yourself when no one is around? 


Take some time and be with some music. Grab your favorite CD and play it, sing along or hum or whistle – whatever way feels right for you. Or dust off the musical instrument you’ve had hidden away in the closet and play it a bit – see if you still have it. Or play some chimes.


Whatever you do, play or listen, see how it feels in your body. There will be a part of you that will resonate and feel at peace and I will bet it will bring a smile to your face.


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC


*Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides by Steven D Farmer