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Dear Ones,


You are meant to feel the love you share with others. Each time you share love with others, the love expands and comes back to you. It may not always be in the way you think.


Have you looked in the mirror lately and expressed love for the you that is in the mirror? This is simple and yet not always an easy thing to do.


Love starts from within. Loving yourself. Ah, loving yourself…


Know that everything you do, is the ‘right thing’. If you do something that doesn’t turn out the way you expected, that doesn’t make it wrong. It just makes it a different thing. 


Right, wrong – these are judgements you put on yourselves.


Everything you have done in your life, makes you who you are right now. The things you did when you were a child, a teenager, a young adult. All of these things are pieces of who you are.


The beliefs you have brought from your parents, your grandparents, your teachers – these are all part of who you are as well. And you can choose to keep these beliefs or choose new ones.


Look at the you in the mirror. Do you hear someone else saying things to you or about you? If those things don’t make you feel wonderful, supported and loved, then change them. Change them to words that are wonderful and that do support you. Change them to words that allow your whole body to light up with love.

  • I am worthy
  • I am loved
  • I am capable
  • I feel supported
  • I am love
  • The universe supports me in it’s loving embrace

These are the words to say next time (and every time) you look in the mirror. You are meant to feel the love you share with others.


You are loved.


~ Your Angels ~


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC