It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m sitting in the screen porch, enjoying the coolness is being blown in. The rains have been going for about an hour so it’s a perfect day to cuddle under a blanket with a cup of hot tea and do my blog.

The cooler weather is truly welcome as even earlier this week is was still close to 90. There is definitely fall in the air which is one of my favorite times of year. Wearing jeans and having it cool enough to want to put socks on is wonderful.

As I’m sitting here enjoying these things, I’m asking the Angels what their message is for all of us and this is what they have to say. 

Dear Ones,

Take time for the transitions, as they are happening. Don’t just enjoy the end result, enjoy the journey, the time along the way.

There is something special in each moment as it is happening — notice these moments before they slip away.

Adapt to what is shifting in your life. There is always change. As you embrace it as it is happening, what it is becoming is that much more and appreciated even more as well.

What are some of the transitions you are undergoing? Are you appreciating them for what they are and not just wishing them away?

Be in this moment. Do not put a ranking of good or bad or small or large or anything else on it. Appreciate it for what it is — this moment.

If you are unable to appreciate this moment, this transition, here’s something to do:

  • put your hand on your heart
  • breathe — eyes open or closed, it does not matter
  • feel the peace in this moment

Each moment is a transition from one to the next. Feeling the peace in this moment will help you in feeling the peace in the next.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC