Wings Light No White BG

I specifically asked the Angels to tell us about today. I say that because as I was putting the title to the blog, the 10-10 really struck me. I know 1 is a powerful number and is all about watching your thoughts – staying positive. 0 / zero is also a powerful number and what some refer to as a God / Divine number as there is no beginning and there is no end.

Let’s hear what the Angels have to say about it.

Message From the Angels

Dear Ones,

Today is a very powerful number. You are moving to another level. That does not mean that you are all moving to the same level, as you each move at your own pace and are each on your own journey. 

Today though, you are reaching new heights in where you are going on your own personal soul journey. You may start to notice how things have a similar ring to them yet feel different. An example may be that you feel you have learned from a specific past experience – maybe a type of relationship. Now you are noticing you are having a very similar experience with a different person.

Watch it play out from an observer position. You will see that the previous experience did play out – without the drama or emotional ties as it did the first time. This is you moving to a new level.

You will also notice some new experiences appear before you. With all the tools you have been learning along your journey, you will have them to pull from. You may also be able to pool them together, mix them up and create new tools for these new experiences.

We are so very proud of you and how you are doing. You are moving into this new level with ease and grace. Love where you are, have gratitude for who you are and feel the excitement about where you are heading.

We are here to assist in any way we can. All you need do is ask.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC