Wings Light No White BG

Dear Ones,

Today we wish to speak about who is truly important to you. We are referring to people that come into your life who at first glance may seem important, and yet once you delve in a bit deeper, you’ll realize they are a totally different vibration from where you are.

Look at the people who are in your life. There are friends, acquaintances, business associates and many other categories. Look at the reason they are in your life. Do you want them in your life? Are they pursuing you? Are you pursuing them?

Each one is to be looked at individually. Why are they showing up in your life? Is there a trigger there? Is it a personality type that shows up over and over that you are healing?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • do you want this person in your life?
  • do they drain energy from you or feed your soul?
  • if they drain energy from you, why do you want them in your life?
  • are they showing you aspects of yourself that you like or dislike — and what are you going to do about it if it’s something you dislike?
  • if it’s you doing the pursuing, why are you pursuing if there’s no reciprocation?
  • look deep within and ask yourself – what is it that I feel I am not getting, that I feel I need to have them in my life?

Remember Dear One, what other people do toward you is not about you, it is about them. And what other people say about you is none of your business. Have people in your life that bring you up and allow you to easily hold your vibration. Those that want to bring you down can go on their merry way.

Dear One, you are enough and you are worthy just the way you are. You are a beautiful soul, a Divine spark. We love you.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC


