
Dear Ones,


Today we speak of friendship. 


You may feel that a friendship is something that will never change or evolve, and yet they will. You may think once a friend always a friend, and yet that may change. If you asked 10 people for their description of ‘a friend’, you may very well get 10 different answers.


Look at the people who have come in and out of your life, those you considered to be friends, close friends, forever friends. There are many different kinds of friendships that happen over the years. 


Some people come into your life and never leave. Some will come into your life for a very short amount of time and then be gone just as quickly as they appeared. Some come into your life and you feel they will be there forever and then they are gone from your life, sometimes without a sound.


If you look at friends who have disappeared from your life (those that are still in the physical), it does not necessarily mean they no longer care for you. It just means the role they had has shifted.


People do come and go from your life, due to many different things. That’s why it’s important to let those who are in your life now, those you consider to be friends, know how you feel about them.


When someone walks away from your life, do not take it personally. They have their journey, and you have yours. Look instead at the wonderful sharing you had when you were ‘together’ and be grateful. There were most likely countless things you learned from them and they from you. Be grateful for the lessons too.


They may come back into your life at another time, or they may not.


Something that may make the loss easier, is to do a meditation. Get into a loving space and then ask your friend to sit down with you and have a conversation. Tell them what they meant to you and thank them for being in your life. Before coming out of the meditation, seal up the loving friendship and keep it in your heart.


~ Your Angels ~


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC