Angel WingsDear Ones,

So many of you are searching so we thought that’s what we would talk about today.

When you are searching, many times you are looking for something outside of yourself. Dear One, it is within, it is all within.

Maybe the question is ‘how can you expand what is within’ so there is no question you are such a bright light. Another question may be ‘how can you feel what is within’ so there is no doubt of how magnificent you are.

Hare are some ways you may be able to see a glimpse of how wonderful you are:

  • When you look into the eyes of someone you love, magnify that 1000 times and beyond
  • When you feel joy filling your heart to the brim, magnify that 1000 times and beyond
  • When you see a beautiful rainbow and feel such gratitude, magnify that 1000 times and beyond
  • When you smell the scent of your favorite flower and the soft smile comes across your face, magnify that 1000 times and beyond

Are you starting to see how wonderfully magnificent you truly are? You are all that times 1000.

Feel our love and the love of the Divine shining upon you, around you, within you.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC