
Dear Ones,

Today we speak of your freedom of choice. We will not interfere with your choices. We may encourage you to choose something higher vibrational (love, peace, joy) rather than lower vibrational thoughts or ideas (fear, anger, resentment). 

How do we encourage you to move to higher vibrations? We may put a flower in front of you so you notice the beauty. We may ring chimes (when there is no wind) when you are in the midst of feeling a lower vibrational emotion. We may have the sun creep out from behind the clouds just as you're feeling it may be a cloudy day with no sun. We may have something unexpected and wonderful happen around you or to you so you notice. We may have someone give you that extra smile, wink or a hug.

You always have your freedom to choose. You may continue to be in the lower vibrational energy if that’s what you choose. 

Or you may choose to notice and accept the hints of wonderfulness around you.

If you are having one of those days where you are searching for the smiles, the love, the peace and not noticing, we ask you to:

  • stop for a moment and close your eyes
  • open your arms wide as if to catch something from the sky
  • tilt your head back 
  • open your heart
  • allow us to shower love upon you
  • feel us showering you with love and joy and your Truth of who you are
  • breathe this in

We will do this as many times throughout your day as you would like. The truth is Dear Ones, we are continually showering you with our love. It is up to you to notice.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC