Wings Light No White BG


Dear Ones,


Allow your body, your cells, your heart and your mind to be filled with love. You do not need to ‘do’ anything. Sit back and accept love to flow in and through you.


So many times you are having to do the tasks on your list or the things others are asking of you. This is much different and very much needed Dear Ones.


Allow. No need to do. Allow and accept.

  • Find a location where you will not be disturbed.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Take several deep breaths, in through the nose, hold and out through the mouth – to a count of 4 for each (a count of 4 in, hold for a count of 4, blow out for a count of 4). Do this 4 times.
  • Allow the feeling of love to come in through your crown chakra (the top of your head). You may see or imagine it as a color, as a white light, as sparkly, as a feeling of warmth or tingling. Whatever you experience is perfect (even if you notice nothing). 
  • Allow the feeling to come in through your crown and move slowly down through every inch, every cell of your body.
  • Allow the feeling of love from the Divine to flow out through your feet down into Mother Earth.*
  • When you are ready, take another breath or two, integrating all of this loving energy into your being.
  • Open your eyes when you are ready.

*This may feel like a wonderful waterfall of energy come into the top of your head, flow through your body, leaving behind love, light, healing, calm, peace and joy and as it flows out through your feet, all of the love, light, healing, calm, peace and joy is flowing into Mother Earth.


You may have another experience. Everyone’s will be unique. If you would care to share, add your comments below.


~ Your Angels ~


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC