
Dear Ones,

Today we speak of the feeling of love. We know there are many times you are able to feel love, feel loved and there are other times you may feel no one loves you or you feel alone or stressed or overcome with your day.

We would like to give you a way where you can very easily and in a moments time, feel love, feel loved and know you are connected.

  • Find someplace you can be quiet for a few moments.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Take several deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth finding yourself feeling more and more relaxed with each exhale.
  • Imagine yourself standing on a rock, so large you can’t even tell it’s a rock. You can feel the solidness of the rock under your bare feet. It feels warm on the soles of your feet. Both feet are solidly placed on this huge rock. You notice the warmth of the sun on you almost as if it’s coming from all sides. It feels wonderful.
  • As you stand there, you feel a connection with the rock beneath your feet and with the sun above. It is as if you are all one, there is no separation. 
  • With each breath you feel the connection deepen and strengthen.
  • In this moment you feel something washing over you starting at your shoulders and enveloping you. It is a feeling of safety, of contentment, of joy, of love, all wrapped together. It feels as if it’s coming from the sun, the rock, from all over, all at the same time.
  • Allow yourself to <sigh> and as you do there is another wave of joy and love that washes over you. You have all you need in this moment.
  • Bring your hands together as if you are holding something small and you don’t want it to fall away. Bring them to your high heart area (between heart and throat), bow your chin on them and <sigh> once again as they touch. Again, the connection and feeling of love deepens.
  • Stay in this position as long as you would like.
  • When ready, take a few deep breaths, feeling the rock’s solidness beneath you once again.
  • Wiggle your toes and fingers and when you are ready, open your eyes.

The first time you do this exercise, you are locking in the feeling of connection, the feeling of love and contentment. Then, when you find yourself having a time when you are not feeling it, close your eyes, bring your hands together and as you bring them up to your high heart and bring your chin to touch your hands, you are taken back to this very feeling. You are taken back to the feeling of connection and of love, in the blink of an eye.

You are loved and we are all connected.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC