Dear Ones,

Today we speak of love. We speak of this often, as love, truly is the answer.

There is much love in the world, though at times it may seem more difficult to see. We assure you, love is there. You, each of you are the answer and each of you are responsible for spreading your love, in all you do.

Have you heard the expression, ‘what would love do?’  That is a wonderful place to start. if you are unsure. Everything you do, from making your coffee in the morning, to walking around the block, to speaking on the phone, ask the question — what would love do — and then do that.

It may mean you make your coffee much more consciously, pouring the water, placing the grounds in the coffee maker, sending vibrations of love into the coffee, the water, and even into your coffee machine. Notice how much better your coffee tastes.

It may mean as your phone is ringing, sending waves of love to the person on the other end of the phone, even before answering. When your are speaking to them, speaking with love and compassion and joy no matter what the topic is. 

You are getting the hang of it. Feel love consciously, before doing the task, before starting a conversation, and allowing love to flow from your heart and soul. That may mean for some of you that words be left unsaid. In many cases it means slowing down and being more conscious of what you are doing and saying.

What a world it would be if everyone came from a place of love.

We are here to assist in anyway we can. All you need do is ask.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC