Dear Ones,

Today we speak of our connection with you, with each and every one of you. It is strengthening.

We have always loved you and we always will. Our connection with you has always been there and always will be. We say it is strengthening because you are realizing the connection is there. You are recognizing more of the subtleties, the synchronicities, the signs, the messages, in your every day life. Each time you notice something more, our connection gets stronger.

Because of this, more and more of you are speaking up for yourself, speaking your truth and sharing your wisdom with others. The ripple effect grows much larger when this happens. It may start with the single pebble, the single word, the single act of love and it ripples to more and more and more.

We would like to say this is an exciting time for all of you and for us. We knew this time would come and it is a very exciting time to be on your planet.

As you share a story that has touched your heart with another, or as you share your deep and true feelings about a situation with another, it touches them and helps ignite the courage they have within.

We love you and we are here for you. Continue strengthening our connection. We are so very proud of you.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC