sunset in PVA while ago I wrote a blog called The Treasure Chest. It’s a great read if I do say so myself. 🙂


Today I was reading through one of my journals in search of inspiration from my Angels and Guides. I was reminded of the treasure chest and felt drawn to share this with you.


This is from Merlin, one of my main Guides. These words pertain to each and every one of us. Read them and then close your eyes and feel the energy they have.


See the treasure chest that is you. Let’s open it together.

Look at the gifts you have to offer the world yet you keep the lid closed. Open it and let it out. Your presence, being present with the situation at hand.

Even if you are not ‘saying’ anything, let your love and wonderment spread around you and others. Let them feel you, your presence, your love, your treasure.


We are all a treasure to the world. We each have our own gifts to offer. We don’t have to always be 'saying or doing' all of the time for our treasure within to shine. Just being present in the moment with yourself or with another many times is exactly what is needed.


Let your treasures shine out to others.


Angel Blessings to you.





In the comments below, tell me about a time when you shared one of your treasures with another.