Fain Park

We just had the Autumnal Equinox over the weekend on the 22nd. It actually felt different as well. There was something different about the sky, the air, the way the wind sounded in the trees. It just had a different energy to it that was very obvious to me.

I wish to honor this Equinox. It's the time when day and night are equal in length. It's the day the sun enters the sign of Libra, the scales of balance.

We know as the days go by the nights and the darkness become longer and the days shorten. We know the harvest is coming to an end and we must prepare for the winter months ahead.

It's also a time to:

  • acknowledge the balance in our life, or recognize we need more balance
  • show gratitude for the fruits of our labor and appreciation for all the things we have accomplished, over the last months
  • go deeper within, deep into our souls and look at what's been hidden away, waiting for the perfect time to come out
  • let go of the things or people in our life that are no longer working for us, that no longer honor us
  • prepare for the next leg of our journey, whether it's more knowledge we need or scheduling time for something we haven't been

Take some time and see what feels right for you with this Equinox. Go out in nature and go for a walk or just sit inside with a window open, and listen to the breeze through the trees. 

Honor your feelings and your thoughts, honor where you are and who you are. Journal about this time if that feels right for you.

Happy Autumnal Equinox and Angel Blessings to you.



This picture was taken near where I live at Fain Park, here in Prescott Valley. The leaves were so fragrant and wonderful.