Dear Ones,
Today we speak of the love we are sending to you. We have spoken of this in other ways. Today we offer another way of experiencing our love.
You may be wondering why we continue to speak on the same topic. It is because you all experience our love in different ways and we want to be able to reach as many of you as possible. We and many other beings of love and light, all of the highest vibration continue to send love to all inhabitants of Gaia. The more of you that can fully embrace this feeling of love, the more human consciousness expands. And as you the individual expands, it aids others in their expansion.
We are here to assist you in any way we can.
Imagine you are sitting or lying down in the most comfortable chair or bed possible. You can feel every part of your being, your entire body, relax.
You feel your muscles release any tensions they may hold. You feel your thoughts easily drift away. Any worries that were going through your head have turned into wonder and are released. You feel your emotions turn to bliss. You know there is nothing that needs to be done or to think about at this particular moment in time.
In this state of bliss, you realize there is a warmth surrounding you as if it is holding you, supporting you. It is so soft it is as if you are on a pillow made of a cloud. Every part of your being feels loved, supported, nurtured and enveloped in love.
Stay in this loving space of bliss for as long as you would like. Know this is our way of loving you, of helping you to ‘feel’ our love, our support. It is our way for you to know we are here.
Every night as you are drifting off to sleep, take a few minutes to imagine this and know we love you.
~ Your Angels ~
Angel Blessings to you.
Empowerment 4 You LLC
Sure…sue. Thank you…
You are welcome Bella.
Angel Blessings to you