
Dear Ones,


Today oh Dear Ones, we have a challenge for you. Some of you are catching your breath and some of you are excited. This is a fun challenge, we promise you that.


We would like you to only speak neutral or joyful things, for the next week (7 days). We have spoken of similar things in the past and some of you will do it for a day or maybe two and that is all.


We are happy to assist you in creating a joyful life. You must do your part. 


There are times when you speak, when you do not need to be speaking anything. If it is other than neutral or joyful, see if you can not say anything at all. Joyful is preferred.


Are you up for the challenge? Add your comments below the blog or reply to the email you received this in. Was this an easy challenge for you? Why or why not?


Thank you Dear Ones. Your comments may very well assist someone else on their journey.


~ Your Angels ~


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC