Angels in the CloudsHowdy Peeps,

I believe in Angels, don't you? One of my favorite sayings is: Angels, Angels Everywhere.

I've talked about Angels in some of my blogs and always sign things with 'Angel Blessings to you'. But there are a lot of people who don't realize you can call on Angels anytime you want, for anything you want.

Angels are all around us, all the time. Our days can be just that much easier and go that much smoother when we call on the Angels for help.

So how do you call on the Angels? * Ask *

When can you call on the Angels? * Anytime *

What can you ask the Angels for help with? * Anything *

Then what? * Accept *

Anything else? * Gratitude *

There are certain Angels who are known for specific things. Archangel Michael is great to call on for protection. Archangel Raphael is known for healing. But you may not always remember which Angel for what. So Angels, Angels, Everywhere works great.

In case you're worried that the Angels will be too busy to help you, they won't be. They can help everyone at the same time for anything.

So remember, Ask the Angels for help Anytime for Anything, Accept what comes your way and give gratitude and thanks.

Angel Blessings to you.
