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Whether we are in our own neighborhoods or at a park taking a stroll, there are critters, beauty and love all around us. Our surroundings are always talking to us.


Walk with me…


The road runner was not too far from my home and it was the second one I had seen that day so I knew to pay attention. Since I’ve been in Arizona I really have only seen a handful or so.


The road runner is all about ‘mental speed & agility’. People with this animal totem are always thinking. 


This road runner wasn’t running away or even moving that fast. He actually kept flipping his tail at me. They use their tail like an airbrake. Working with the road runner energy helps shift your thought processes and run in other directions.


The little cat hiding in the fence – he was so cute. He sat there watching me as I asked politely if I could take his picture. Handsome dude!! 


Cats are all about ‘mystery, magic & independence’ which is no surprise. I think while in WI I saw one cat ever roaming outside. Arizona is a different story.


The lizard dude – a Tree Lizard with a beautiful turquoise blue neck and belly. He was also one of the largest lizards I’ve seen – head to tail close to a foot long. He was moving around a bit, eating ants and clearly wanted to make sure we saw his beautiful color.


Lizards are about ‘subtlety of perception’. I would also say because his throat was the color it was, a reminder to speak up and speak my truth. 


Screen Shot 2015-08-16 at 12.03.18 PMOn another walk I saw the yellow flower, so bright and beautiful. There are quite a few in my neighborhood. There was a man along the sidewalk taking care of huge sunflowers (I didn’t get a picture). I stopped and asked him if he noticed the Angel Wing in the sky. He had not but wondered if that’s why his sunflowers were growing so well. I think it was the Angels telling us they're watching over us, no matter where we are or what we are doing.


Pay attention to what or who is around you. The Universe is always talking to you. Are you listening?


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC



Note: The animal information came from Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews. It’s a great book that talks about animal, bird & reptile symbolism. I have had it for many, many years and use it as a resource.