Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Message From the Angels 81224

Dear Ones,

Today we wish to speak of appreciation of where you are, at this time.

There is always something going on in the world that may appear to be frustrating or may bring up the emotion of anger for some of you. Many of you have chaos in your world at any given point in time.

We would like to remind you, when you come back to self, come back to your inner knowing, that you are taken care of. And one of the things you can do to bring yourself back to this inner knowing is to bring appreciation to your heart.

Appreciation of where you are, physically — where you are living — the state, the town, the neighborhood, and the home you are living in. Focus on all that you are grateful for in your current living situation.

Appreciation of where you are, emotionally — allowing yourself to ‘feel’ your emotions as they move through and beyond, appreciating your emotions as they do help know when something doesn’t feel quite right. Appreciating your emotions as you are able to step back and be more of an observer then being pulled into things that do not serve you.

Appreciation of where you are, spiritually — knowing you have come so far learning about your connection to the Divine, your loved ones, your guides, and calling on the angels — creating a stronger inner knowing of who you are and why you are here.

We are very proud of who you are, how far you’ve come and how much you continue to grow each day.

We are here to assist any way we can. All you need do is ask.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC

By |August 11, 2024|angel, angel blessings, angels, gratitude, inspiration, Inspirational, Spiritual|
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