Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Enjoy The Moment

Howdy Peeps! You know, we live in a society where we have instant gratification for most things. You want a cup of coffee, theres a coffee shop on most corners, like the st augustine coffee shops you've always wondered about You need money from your account, theres an ATM machine on the corner beside where [...]

By |2012-09-05T21:56:49-07:00September 6, 2012|angel blessings, go with the flow|

Acclimate, Acclimate, Acclimate

Howdy Peeps! Have you ever found yourself in different surroundings thinking everything should work just the same way it does back home? Well I think the saying 'you're not in Kansas anymore' applies here. It's not that everything is so very different, but different enough. I know it's only been just over 10 days since [...]

By |2012-08-26T19:19:29-07:00August 27, 2012|acceptance, acclimate, angel blessings, go with the flow|

Getting in the Flow

Howdy Peeps! Today is all about getting in the flow of my new adventure, getting in the flow of Arizona time and Arizona herself. It's about 'going with the flow' of where I am instead of where I was. Here's an example of something I'm sure many of you can relate to. I wake up [...]

By |2012-08-19T17:11:15-07:00August 20, 2012|angel blessings, go with the flow|
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