Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Message From the Angels 81417

Dear Ones, Today we speak of ‘clearing your energy’. This is a topic we have discussed before and it is needed now more than ever.  You are being bombarded with energy from all different directions: from other people  from the atmosphere from residual energies of others’ emotions from the food you eat  from electronic devices [...]

By |2020-02-05T12:31:08-07:00August 14, 2017|Inspirational, message from the angels|

Message From the Angels 80717

I thought it made sense to write a little about all of the critters I’ve been finding since I moved. I know when you move to a different area you do have to allow time to acclimate on the different things. And if you are moving to a different state or a different area of [...]

By |2017-08-05T18:55:29-07:00August 7, 2017|Inspirational|

Message From the Angels 71017

Dear Ones, Today we speak of listening. We listen — to you. We hear you! We hear your requests when you speak them, when you think them, when you send your thoughts and requests our way. We want you to know you are never alone and are loved. When you ask for our assistance we [...]

By |2017-07-09T15:17:52-07:00July 10, 2017|angels, Inspirational, message from the angels|

Message From the Angels 51817

I wanted to talk today about our Loved Ones. Most of us have someone we know that has transitioned.  Some people say they died. I generally don’t say that anymore. I know they are here, with us, just in a different form or a different dimension. And they are always with us in our hearts. [...]

By |2017-05-16T18:58:43-07:00May 18, 2017|angels, Inspirational, love, message from the angels|

Message From the Angels 50817

Have you ever been deceived? Deception truly is an interesting word. You may be deceived by someone who truly believes what it is they are deceiving you about. It isn’t right. Their truth may be so misconstrued and they just pass on the deception. Here is the dictionary’s interpretation of the different variations:  concealing or [...]

By |2017-05-07T14:06:26-07:00May 8, 2017|angels, inspiration, Inspirational, love, message from the angels, Spiritual|
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