
The other day I found (or it found me) a beautiful decorative scarf with dolphins on it. The color is the aqua color I love and the dolphins felt like they needed to come home with me. They will help with the hydration of my environment and energy. Wonderful, just what I need.

I thought how perfect it would be to pull a couple of cards from the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins deck. This is a Doreen Virtue deck and when she created this deck, she created it with the intent they would be good for questions relating to manifestation and healing blocks to abundance. 

As I was shuffling the cards setting the intent this will be beneficial for everyone who reads this to hear, I was guided to pull 2 cards.

IMG_5457Explore Your Options and Break Free. These 2 cards work really well together and I feel they will speak to so many of you.

You may be feeling as if you are ‘trapped’ in a situation right now. That is your perception. There are many possibilities, many options that you may not be seeing. Sometimes we need to bounce ideas off other people. And sometimes it may not be your idea or their idea but the talking it through that creates a whole new idea or option.

Look at areas in your life where you may be felling stuck. Release those ‘stuck’ feelings to the Mermaids, Dolphins and the Angels. Go and do something that feels ‘freeing’ to you. 

Maybe that means going for a bike ride and just feeling the wind or maybe it’s going swimming, feeling you are safe in the water and float. For some it may be just taking some time away from the world and journaling or reading.

Break free from your norm. It will free your mind up to look at new options, new avenues that you may not have thought of before.

Meet a group of friends and bounce ideas back and forth. Rest assured you may be needing a change and they most likely are too. Maybe there’s something you can work out together.

The example that comes to mind is people with kids. Maybe you want some time for ‘date night’ and maybe just what you need is to share the same idea with a friend. They can take your kids for your date night and you can take their kids for yours. Everyone wins.

You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.
~Albert Einstein

So do something different. Share your ideas with friends. Watch the new possibilities form

Remember your unseen helpers as well. Ask your Angels, your Guides, your Loved Ones who have passed, for their ideas and support. Then watch for the signs to unfold.

Take some action steps to put things in motion. These can be small. The point is to take the step.

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC