IMG_5374Today is all about following your dreams. 


I just posted on Twitter maybe two minutes before sitting down to write this. Here’s what I tweeted:


Do you have a dream you've stuck on a back shelf? Today's the day to dust it off and take one action step toward your dream!


Then I pulled the card 19-Eternal Dance. I looked up 19 in Angel Numbers 101, by Doreen Virtue. Basically it’s saying to believe in yourself. The Angels say you are qualified and to follow your dreams. Stay positive.


The Eternal Dance card is letting us know we want movement in our lives. Sometimes the movement is taking an action step and sometimes it’s sitting back and going with the flow. Combine this with the tweet and 19, it's taking action steps toward your dreams.


If there’s resistance, look at what it may be telling us. Are there other ideas we may not be listening to that will help move us along our way? Or is the resistance telling us to take a step back and observe the situation a bit longer before taking another step forward.


What does water do when it meets up with resistance? It finds a way to go around. Sometimes that may be the answer.


If you see a tree in a storm, it bends and moves with the wind. The roots hold firmly to where it is planted.


We can learn from nature. Plant yourself firmly with a good foundation. Go with the flow and when you meet resistance, slowly move and bend around still continuing on your path.


The Angels believe in our dreams. The Angels want us to remain positive. The Angels can help us remain positive as well.


Today, take an action step toward your dream! Do not let resistance hold you back. Move and go with the flow.


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC


*This oracle deck is by Toni Carmine Salerno