For the UBC, I decided to make Sundays for the month of April, 
Angel Card Sundays. This means I’ll be pulling a card for us to focus on during the week. If you are reading this another day of the week, it’s OK. It still applies.

That’s the awesome thing about Angels and their messages. They have wonderful messages that apply if we’re open to their words.


The card I pulled is Have Confidence*. Wow, what a great card to focus on.


AAMichael is wonderful to call on anytime we need confidence or strength. This would apply to any situation in your life, any issue you may have.


Do you have something coming up this week that you are feeling uneasy about or maybe a bit nervous? Maybe you have a speech where you'll be talking to a large group of people, or maybe you have a meeting with your boss that you're uneasy about.


Call upon AAMichael for confidence for the situation. Take a deep breath and call upon him and sense his strength surrounding you with love. You may feel your confidence level raise or you may feel a sense of calm that you didn't feel earlier.


AAMichael will surround you with love, with protection, with strength, with confidence.

I will call upon AAMichael any time I am among strong personalities, and I feel I need a confidence boost. It works every time.


This card is also a confirmation for many of us, who do feel confident in many or most situations. 🙂


Today and this coming week, anytime you feel your confidence level dipping, call on AAMichael. Ask that he infuse you with confidence for the situation.


The reason I pulled a card from the AAMichael deck today is because AAMichael has come up several times in as many hours before writing this blog. I sensed he had a message for us all, and he does: Have Confidence.


Please let me know how AAMichael assisted you this week with confidence in the comments below.

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC



Ultimate Blog Challenge

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* This is a card from the Archangel Michael Cards by Doreen Virtue.