Chakra Clearing

Why do people have Angel Card readings?

The short answer is, for many reasons. 🙂


Angel Card readings are a great way to get an answer to a question you have. The question can be on anything, from romance to finance to what am I to learn regarding this situation.


The Angel Cards don’t typically answer: “Yes, you should apply for that job on Tuesday of next week and expect the acceptance to the position to be the following Friday”, as much as we would like to receive answers that specific.


Angel Cards are great for guidance. Many times, we are too close to situations we are involved with and just unable to look at things objectively.


That’s a great time to seek guidance from an Angel Card reading.


If you have a situation and you’ve talked with your friends, done a pros and cons list and meditated and are still unclear or would like general guidance, that’s another great time to see what the Angels have to say through an Angel Card reading.


And sometimes you are just looking for general guidance for the day. Another great time to see what the Angels have to say through an Angel Card reading.


A saying I’ve been known to use with Angel Card readings, because they are so accurate is ‘you just can’t make this stuff up!’. 🙂


Many times there are action steps for you to take after the reading as well. These are always beneficial, because you and I both know, many times when you take one step toward your goal the Universe takes 10 steps toward your goal.


I pulled an Angel Card for a general guidance for us all. The card that came up is called Chakra Clearing*. 


Chakras are energy centers in our bodies that get clogged up. They can get clogged from fears, frustrations, too many hours worked, being overly tired, money worries, to just name a few. It’s important that you clear these chakras to get rid of any bad energy and stay mentally stable. You can clear them in many ways; yoni eggs, for example, are said to give your chakras a proper cleansing, as well as enlighten your spiritually and get you in touch with your femininity. However, there are also many other ways to embrace your cleansed chakras. So here’s what you can do, since Archangel Metatron is recommending this:

  • Take a couple of deep breaths.
  • Say aloud or silently, “Archangel Metatron, I ask that you clear and open my chakras. I ask that you release all fears and worries and frustrations.”
  • Imagine with each exhale, you are releasing these fears and frustrations and worries.
  • Imagine with each inhale, you are breathing in peace and love.
  • Repeat the mantra, “I am peace, I am love”.
  • Do this as many times as you would like.
  • Take a couple of more deep breaths.

This is a short example of what an Angel Card reading with Sue may be like. Check out my Testimonials or Services for additional information.

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC



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* This is a card from the Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.