

Today's blog is Michael inspired – Archangel Michael* and brother Michael. 🙂


This applies to so many people: leave this unhealthy situation. You go to a ‘job’ you don’t like, or you don’t like the people you work for. You go to a ‘job’ that you feel you have to because of the insurance or the pay or the security.


Is the unhealthy situation your home life. Are you in a loving, joyful, well balanced relationship? Do you feel safe in your own home?


Archangel Michael is all about strength, courage and protection. This card reminds us all, that we have strength and courage we may not realize. And this is a reminder to us, to pull on that strength and courage to help us leave situations that aren’t for our highest good.


For the times we aren’t feeling courageous, or we don’t have strength for a situation, we can call upon Archangel Michael. He is all too happy to assist us. We can lean on his strength until ours returns. 


Look at your situation, whatever it is for you.

  • Do you love what you are doing? 
  • Do you enjoy the people you are with?
  • Do you feel there is integrity with where you work and who you work for/with?
  • Are you in a ‘safe’ place where you live?
  • Is the relationship you are in the best for you?
  • Does the ‘unhealthy’ part have to do with your eating or parts of it?
  • Are there relationships in your life which are unhealthy for you?

Archangel Michael is there for us when we call on him, as are all the Angels. The Angels are here to help us when we ask. They are here to give us strength when we don’t feel it, courage when we need more than we can muster. They will give us signs throughout our day which will help us on our paths, when we ask for them.


We are more powerful than we give ourselves credit for, but the Angels are always there to assist when we truly do need there help.


Look at the picture. When do you feel as if you are on top of the world? When have you felt that way? Pull on that strength and courage when looking at an unhealthy situation in your life and wondering what to do next.


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC


* Archangel Michael deck created by Doreen Virtue