
Do you believe in psychic attack? Well, if everything is energy, and our words and our thoughts are energy, wouldn’t you think negative words and thoughts might have a negative impact? Hmmm, makes you wonder, doesn’t it?


I recently had been told that I was being psychically attacked. I was not told by one person or even by two. I was actually told this by six different individuals.


I haven't (knowingly) experienced this before. What does it feel like? Well, for me, this time, I've had flu, cold, cough and no energy for almost four weeks. I do realize 'tis the season’. However, this is taking longer to recuperate as well as I was on the mend and then ended back in bed for a day with no energy to do anything but roll over to the other side and go back to sleep.


So what makes it a psychic attack vs just the flu? 


If others are telling you (six people!) and it feels like it is true. 


What can you do about it?


Send 'love & light'. Yes, you heard me right. If you have an idea of the who, especially, send them 'love & light'. If you have no idea, send it to everyone. Live, eat and breathe – love & light.


Think of it this way. If you are walking into a dark room and you shine a light inside, the dark disappears – right? Well, it also helps to dispel the negative energy someone may be sending you. So love & light.


Ask Archangel Michael to vacuum away fear and lower, denser energy from you, your car, your house, your property, and your office. If there’s other places you spend a lot of time, add them to your list. This will help you to feel lighter. 


Ask Archangel Michael to also vacuum your 'attacker' (the person(s), their house, their car, etc) if you know. If you don’t, you can still ask Archangel Michael, because he knows.


Ask Archangel Raphael to fill up with love & light, from all the locations that were vacuumed by AAMichael.


Ask the Angels to remove any attachments that are not 'for the highest good of all'. And ask the Angels to keep them removed.


Send love & light. Yes, start and end with love & light. Whenever you might be slipping into a negative thought – love & light. When someone cuts you off in traffic, love & light


If you are coming from a place of love & light, it also drives out the fear based energy that started the whole thing. Because whoever started it – may have done so on purpose, or unwittingly by some negative thoughts they had. It doesn’t matter. You be the bigger person and come from love & light.


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC