
I was listening to Gerry Gavin / Messages from Margaret, on podcast from Hay House Radio. It was from several months ago and Gerry was talking about doing something nice for someone else, every day for the next 44 days. 


Doing something nice for someone doesn’t mean you have to go buy them a gift. It doesn’t mean that it would take a lot of time either. 


It could be something as easy and simple as:

  • watching the bathroom door (with no handle at a restaurant) for a younger child
  • paying the toll for the person behind you
  • helping out at home before being asked
  • greeting and holding the door open for them when they arrive home
  • letting them cut in front of you in the line (on the road, at the bank, at the grocery store)

When we do these things, these seemingly small things, they may not be small to the receiver. They may be just what they need that day. 


Let’s all set the intent, that not just for the next 44 days, but for each day forward, starting today, do something nice for someone. Do that little extra thing that makes their day, just that more special. It doesn't matter whether you know the person or not.


When you think about these things later, I bet they bring a smile to your face too. So doesn’t it also help make a bit more of your day too…


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC