Wings Light No White BG

Do you ever have those days where your mind starts going in directions down the ‘what if’ road?

  • What if this happens?
  • What if it’s because of this?
  • What if there’s too much?
  • What if there’s not enough?
  • What if -fill in the blank-?

We as humans have a tendency of doing that at times. Sometimes we do it more than others. 

This is always easier to see in other people but I know I have those times as well. They are fewer than they ever have been and much of that is due to calling on the Angels for assistance when I need it as well as trusting and having faith about what is going on.

Let's see what the Angels can suggest when we’re having a ‘what if’ kind of day…

Message From the Angels 

Dear Ones,

Trust Dear One. Trust in the Divine and trust in yourself.

Remember a time when things seemed to all happen as you thought they would, in the way you wanted them to occur. Remember how it all seemed to flow and move gracefully. Remember the feeling of the flow and the feeling of the grace. Feel how it feels in your body.

Now expand this flowing, graceful feeling to all the cells of your body. Expand it so it fills you with a wonderful warmth and overflows into your aura.

Bring this feeling into your awareness, your remembrance anytime you are having a ‘what if’ sort of day.

Trust that ease and grace will continue to flow into this day.

We are with you always. Ask and we are happy to assist in any way we can.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC

