Angel Wings

Dear Ones,

Today we speak of gratitude. 

This is a different perspective than what you may be expecting. We want you to know what it looks and feels like when we see and feel gratitude coming from you.

Imagine you have a bright light within you. When you look at something with gratitude and feel appreciation, it is as if the bright light within you is shining beams of love and light out. Some of it may touch what you are looking at and some of it falls on the surroundings.

It is magical. When you look up at a tree and feel grateful, and send appreciation and gratitude toward the tree or the sky or a cloud, it is amplified over and over again. It is as if your gratitude bounces on each leaf of the tree and goes out 10 fold and more.

If you are looking at someone you love, imagine these golden beams of love coming to them, lovingly, softly, compassionately. As they smile and feel this, their gratitude is also expanded and they then send this love, these beams of love and light out. They not only come back to you but also on all that is surrounding you.

We see these wonderful loving beams of love and light being shared and ever expanded. Please keep it up.

When we are feeling gratitude for you, you are lovingly and joyfully having gratitude coming your way, from us. Breathe it in ~ now…

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC