Today I just kept feeling like the message is about the words we use. That does start with our thoughts for ourselves. I’m referring to what we hear others say, how we hear things explained. Then we may get wrapped up into the chaos or drama of it all.
I just posted a picture of a beautiful pink / white rose from my yard. The only words I attached with it were ‘love is the answer’ which I know we have all heard some form of this before. It really seems to be a message some have not yet understood. They may see the words and don’t yet feel what they really mean.
When you see the word ‘war’ does it bring up warm-fuzzy type feelings? NO, it doesn’t. The word itself without anything else attached to it just does not have a good vibe, a good feeling.
Well, we say ‘war on drugs’ ‘war on crime’ war on poverty’ and I think the intention is in the right place but we don’t want war, do we? NO.
We all know there are situations out there we do not want. Well, let’s focus on what we do want then and what words will help constructively explain it.
We don’t want war, we want peace, love, compassion. War is not the answer. Love is the answer.
Let’s see what the Angels have to say.
Message From the Angels 102918
Dear Ones,
Yes Dear Ones, love is the answer! We are not saying to bury your head in the sand or ignore what is going on in your world. We are reminding you that love can solve any situation that is going on.
The first that you can do is to focus on love. Accept the situation for what it is, where it is. Then turn your attention to love, to the solution, to the answer. You do not need to understand the how as it will present itself to you, once you are focusing on the solution.
Love is the answer. When you see a situation on the news or in your social media that brings tears to your eyes and a sadness in your heart, ask that love be sent to the situation. Ask that Divine love envelope the people involved. Imagine the whole thing be filled with love. Love is the answer.
We are here to assist in any way we can. All you need do is ask.
~ Your Angels ~
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Angel Blessings to you.
Empowerment 4 You LLC