Dear Ones,

Today we wish to speak about moving forward, one step at a time with a leap now and again. We are with you every step and every leap of the way.

There are times when you may feel as if there is no progress being made or life is moving way too slow and other times it may seem as if things are moving way too fast and you are hanging on tight. Either way, we are with you and we would like you to know that you have control of the pace with which you would like it to happen.

This is what we mean by control:

  • Pay attention to how you are breathing, or the holding of your breath. When things seem to be moving too fast, you can notice your breath and slow it down a bit. This has a huge impact on how you feel the pace is around you.
  • Listen to the words you are using. If you are continually saying things like these:
    • things are moving too fast
    • I can’t keep up
    • I feel as though I’m trudging in mud
  • Change your language to something like this:
    • life is moving at a pace just right for me
    • I move through my day with grace and ease
    • there is a gentle flow to my day
  • Allow yourself to have some quiet time. This may mean sitting quietly and closing your eyes, this may mean reading an inspirational book, or it may mean watching the clouds. Whatever quiet time means for you, it will allow you to get back into your own rhythm, whether that means slowing down or speeding up.

Whatever is happening in your life, we are with you. If you’d like to slow things down, call upon us to assist. If you’d like things to happen a bit faster, we are also happy to assist. Ask, allow, and receive our assistance. We love you.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

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Message From the Angels 40918

Empowerment 4 You LLC