Dear Ones,
Today we wish to speak of fear. There are many people in your world who are acting out in fear. This shows up in ways you may not initially think is fear.
- If someone is angry and lashing out about something that is seemingly ‘not that big of a deal’, they are most likely masking fear
- If someone cuts you off on the highway, they very well may be afraid of something
- When someone is rude to you, they very well may be afraid of something that is totally unrelated to you, though it comes out rude
- When another is looking to control many aspects of their life, there is most likely fear behind it
You may not know what is going on in that person’s life nor may it be the right time to ask them about it. Know that if they are not acting in a loving way, they are acting out of fear.
Think of the times you lash out for no reason or are driving a bit crazy or are just plain rude. What was really going on? After you answer that question, look a little deeper.
So, what can you do about it?
- Send love
- Say a prayer
- Send Angels (yours and theirs and as many more as you ask)
Bring more love in everything you do. Feel love more of your day. Act loving more of the time. Be love in all you do.
~ Your Angels ~
Angel Blessings to you,
Empowerment 4 You LLC
Thank you…
You are welcome Bella. Angel Blessings to you.
Sue, thank you so much for sharing this message from the Angels. I used to take things personally when someone cut me off in traffic or were rude or angry. But, now I realize there's a lot going on with them related to fear, so I get out of myself to see if I can calm them or at least say a prayer for a passing motorist who appears out of control. I'd love to know how often people pray for people they don't know, just in passing – I think it's a lot! I know I do that as I'm walking around or at the grocery store. Angel Blessings to you, too, Sue!
Thank you for the comment Maureen. Something I’ve been reading is The Gentle Way by Tom T Moore. He has an MBO (Most Benevolent Outcome) that he says throughout the day and then he also has a BP (Benevolent Prayer – for others) that he talks about and has devoted 2 of his books to as well as some of his weekly blog. You may want to check him out. I think the BP is what you’re looking for.
His website blog is:
I think it’s something that you’ll enjoy Maureen!
Anbgel Blessings Miss Maureen!!
Blessed One,
Love Is The Key
In my Higher Understanding we as Human Consciousness are mostly driven by to Emotion……we act out of Love or from a place of Fear. Those places in our Body/Memory holding fear is an aspect of ourselves that is needing to be loved and integrated back into the Oneness of our Cosmic Heart. Blessings to All into Infinity Selina Mu From The Eastern Door Grandmother's Medicine Lodge
Angel Blessings to you Selina. <3