As some of you know, I pull a card most days and post it on my Instagram page (@SueBroome44) which I then share on Facebook. Sunday’s card, was Love.

Then later Sunday morning when I was doing the Facebook live which I do every Sunday, I pulled another card (different deck from earlier), which I ended up pulling for two different people, was You Are Loved. 

I know this is the week of Valentine’s Day, and I know this is a “card company created” holiday. However, it also seems to me, that the Angels would like to speak about love.

Dear Ones,

Do everything with love in your heart — first.

When you are having discussions with others, feel the love flowing first, then have the conversation. If the conversation has already started, pause, take a deep breath filling with Divine love, feel the love expanding from your heart and then continue with the conversation.

When you are preparing to drive anywhere, feel the love flowing first, then get into your car and be on your way. If you are already in your car when you remember, take a deep breath filling with Divine love, feel the love expanding from your heart, in that very moment.

When you are preparing your food or drink, feel the love in your heart first. Your food and drink will taste much better and be better for you, when prepared this way. If you are mid-bite and remember, or even if you’ve already eaten, stop, fill with Divine love and “taste” the food in your mind.

Do everything with love in your heart first. Your days will flow with grace and ease. You will notice the smoothness to your days. You will notice more synchronicities in each day. A side effect may be feeling more joy, more happiness, more love, in your life.

We are always happy to assist in any way we can. All you need do is ask.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC