Dear Ones,

Today we wish to speak of healing. Healing may not mean what you think and everyone has their own perspective on what healing is.

From our perspective, you are all, each one of you, whole, complete and healed — always. You may feel if there is something within you or another where there is pain, that you are not healed. We would say to that, look at what the pain is telling you.

Is there something that would better serve you to change in your life? Is there something in your life that would be beneficial if you no longer partake in that specific activity?

Only you can answer these questions, and you will know the answer in your heart.

Look at your life as a series of experiences. You came to experience this or that. If you can look past the situation that appears painful, and look at what several outcomes could be, you will gain a different perspective. It may also help remove some of the expectation that it has to be this way or that.

We understand some of you signed up for many of these experiences and it seems they are heaped pretty high on your plate of life, all at the same time. Here is the best advice we can give you:

  • Ask for our assistance.
  • Open your heart to receive.
  • Breathe into the love and support that is with you, always.
  • Know that there is healing, on many levels.

We love you and we are here for you. All you need do is ask.

~ Your Angels ~

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Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC