Dear Ones,

Today we would like to remind you “we have your back.”

Many of you get yourselves worked up and worried over your day to day lives. We, your Angels, have your back. We do need you to ASK for our assistance and then we will do what we can to assist.

One of the things we will do immediately, is help bring a calm and a peace over you. We will do that in the blink of an eye, if you ASK.

There is no special way you need to ask. Here are some ideas in case you are still unsure how to ask:

  • Angels, I need your assistance with [fill in the blank]
  • Angels, please help me with [fill in the blank]
  • Angels, I am feeling stressed about [fill in the blank], please help me

I think you get the idea. There really is no special language to use, just ASK, because “we have your back” and we want to be there for you.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC