
Dear Ones,

There is nothing to fear. We feel we need to share those words with you.

There is a feeling of unrest some of you feel. Some may not even know how to put it into words, but it is a feeling of unease, of movement under your feet, of instability.

There is nothing to fear.

There is much going on astrologically, energetically, emotionally, spiritually – all levels and dimensions. When you allow things to come in, one breath at a time instead of gulps of air, it integrates much quicker and easier. There is more of an ease to it.

Notice the feelings in your body. Notice there is a much excitement just under what you may feel is fear. The fear dispels once you breathe through it by taking several deep breaths.

Breath will bring you back to now, this present moment. And in this moment – There is nothing to fear.

Call on us and we will help dissipate any fears.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you,

Empowerment 4 You LLC