Angel WingsAll of us have a lot going on right now. The energies are moving fast and then faster. The planets are assisting in ways we may not be aware of. We have assistance from so many others, our Guides, our Angels, our Loved Ones, our Star Being friends and from others on this planet who vibrate love.

What can we do about it though, to slow things down a bit? Yes, we really do have that choice and yes, we really can slow things down…

Message From the Angels 60517

Dear Ones,

Slowing down time is easier than you think. This is something we have shared with you over and over in different ways, for different circumstances. Today, we are saying to you, apply it to your life and the speed of things around you will seem to shift. It is very simple to do, yet at times you may feel it is difficult. It is not.

What is this simple ‘technique’ we are speaking about?

~ ~ ~ B R E A T H E ~ ~ ~ 

Yes, that is it! We hear you asking how this works to slow things down…

Breathing – consciously and purposefully will always bring you back to NOW. 

  • When you are in the NOW you are not worried about what will happen tomorrow. 
  • When you are in the NOW you are not feeling guilty about what happened yesterday.
  • When you are in the NOW you have an awareness of what is going on in your physical body.
  • When you are in the NOW you are able to feel your emotions that you may stuff down at times (yes, we know!).
  • When you are in the NOW you will notice and recognize everything is in perfect and divine order.

Take some time today and BREATHE consciously. Do this multiple times in a day for 3-4 minutes:

  • Sit quietly and focus on nothing else except your breathing.
  • Notice your breath coming in and notice it going out. 
  • Notice it coming into your essence, not just your physical body. 
  • Notice it leaving your essence and your physical body, as it releases that which no longer serves you.
  • Notice the love in your breath as you breathe in.
  • Notice the love you now breathe out to the world in a larger way.
  • Notice the calming presence that comes over you as you are now IN THE NOW.

We are here to assist in any way we can. All you need do is ask.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC