
Dear Ones,

Today we speak of being true to yourself. Loving yourself is a part of it yes. We have spoken of this in the past. 

Today we are speaking of living your life true to who you are, not what others expect or want of you.

These may include:

  • speak your truth – speak up when you have something to add or it’s important to you or something is upsetting you, in a kind and loving way
  • listen to your body and follow through (stop eating this, go for a walk, etc.)
  • trust to your inner guidance and take the action steps if need be (breathe, take a nap, turn here, don’t go there, walk away now, etc.)
  • keep your thoughts positive, focusing on what you want in your life and letting go of what no longer applies (does it feel good, does it feel light and let go of the heaviness)
  • notice the connections in your life, the people you know and interact with now and the people from your past that are no longer a part of your day to day – what pieces or memories did they leave behind 

All of these things make you who you are. If you are not speaking your truth or listening to your inner voice, you are being someone else. People / souls who have been in your life help you form into who you are, reminding you of what you like, what you don’t like. They are there to remind you to speak your truth, listen and make the connections. 

Each person, place and thing that pop into your lives are there for a reason. Each one serves a purpose. They are all helping you be true to yourself. It may not seem that way at the human level, but at the soul level, this is true.

Be true to yourself.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC

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