Some days there are signs and interactions all seemingly unconnected until you allow Spirit to connect the dots for you.

This week, interactions that were starting to annoy me needed a closer look. Why are they annoying me?

Stepping back a bit, with curious eyes and an observer position I realized there’s no reason for these couple of situations to annoy me.

If I look at why others are doing the things they do (for several situations) they are doing what they feel is right, what they feel is helpful, what they feel is helping others. They are not doing it to annoy me, not in the slightest.

Then today, Kuan Yin was brought to my attention. Of course, compassion! Kuan Yin helped me to see these interactions were all about compassion. Looking at the situations from the others’ eyes in what they are looking to accomplish.

Let’s see if the Angels have any additional information to add. 

Message From the Angels 80618

Dear Ones,

We are pleased you made the connection to compassion. When there are situations that arise throughout your day where another seems to be coming at you, step back and look at the situation with compassion. You can call upon us or Kuan Yin or other Ascended Masters to assist. Whoever you prefer to work with.

As soon as you do that, it softens where you are coming from. You are able to see things from a more objective point of view, with no attachments, no expectations, just curiosity.

Stop and breathe, noticing your breath without trying to change it. That is what will allow you to take that step back.

We are here to assist in any way we can. All you need do is ask.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

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