Wings Light No White BG

People say things about others for a plethora of reasons: 

  • they want something and are working at getting it
  • they are looking to fool someone
  • they are wanting to get ahead
  • they're ego is taking over and not being very nice
  • they're venting
  • they are wanting to help a situation
  • they are truly coming from a place of love

When you are speaking of / about someone who is not present with you, ask yourself these questions:

  • am I coming from a place of love
  • am I lifting them up in some way
  • am I sharing an encouraging story about this person to help another
  • would the person be OK with it if they were overhearing your conversation
  • what does it feel like when you are saying whatever it is you're saying

Look at what is going on globally with people saying things about others when they are not present – and not very nice things I will say. And now look in your own back yard.

Let's see what the Angels have to say.

Message From the Angels

Dear Ones,

Feel in your heart what you know is true. Is what you are saying necessary? Is it uplifting the energy of you or who you are speaking to or of the person you are speaking of? If it is not, why are you saying it?

Surround the person with love. Imagine them having a blanket or a shawl of pure loving energy that is being wrapped around them. Now do the same for yourself and for the person you are talking with.

Feel the truth of what to say or not to say. Feel the truth of why you are saying anything at all. And send yourself more love to allow the lack and fear to dissipate and be transformed. 

We are here to assist – ask.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you,

Empowerment 4 You LLC
