Wings Light No White BG

Dear Ones,


Today we speak of the inner you.


You are being refined each day. There is new information coming into the cells of your body. This information comes in through your dreams at night, through your daydreams, through the energy in the air. It is coming to you continuously.


This new information is of the loving beings you are. You are clearing out some of your old beliefs, your old thought patterns to make room for the new ‘more honoring of self’ information.


You are feeling more comfortable in who you are, who you truly are. This is what is shining out onto others more and more. You are able to see the essence of their beauty as well as more and more of your own inner beauty.


When you catch glimpses of this beauty, of this wonderous feeling, bask in it. Put your full focus on these glimpses and they will continue to expand.


You are a beautiful being of love. You are a wonderful being of light. You are pure joy.


~ Your Angels ~


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC



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