Wings Light No White BG

I recently watched a YouTube video by a well known Psychic / Intuitive. I have followed this person for several years and also had a reading from them about 6-7 years ago. I had to send a private message to them today. The video was good information. This person looked as if they were not having fun and even almost on the angry side. This is typical. So as I said, I needed to send them a message, from my heart and with love, recommending they smile.

So it is no surprise the Angels piped in with the importance of a smile for our message today.

Message From the Angels

Dear Ones,

A smile takes such little effort and spreads so much joy. Have you ever noticed what happens when you smile at someone who looks grumpy? Many times they smile back! There may be an occasion or two where you do not receive a beaming smile coming back your way and that’s OK. We still recommend you spread the smiles.

If you’d truly like to see how infectious a smile can be, next time you see a child or a baby, smile at them. They will most definitely smile back. Sometimes they may even start to make a game of it with you.

There are people who have so many things going on in their lives they may not see light at the end of their tunnel and your smile could be a beacon of light for them.

  • Smile at those you see throughout your day.
  • Smile at yourself as you pass by a mirror
  • Smile at every checkout person or teller or service personnel you see.
  • Smile at the driver of the car next to you.
  • Smile at your neighbor.
  • Smile at the grumpy old man you see on a regular basis.
  • Smile at your kids, your spouse, your partner, your parents.
  • Smile.

A smile shifts the vibration of you and those you affect. It raises it up!

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC