As you know, each week I record the Angel Card reading, for the week. I choose one card from The Desert Speaks deck, and three cards from the Angels Are Everywhere deck. They blend so well.

This week was no different. God, the Universe, our Angels, our Higher Selves, our Souls — are speaking to us Loud and Clear — ALLOW! I wanted to have the Angels expand on that, so today, I am asking for additional information from them instead of just saying – hey Angels, what does everyone need to hear.

Watch the weekly reading and you’ll see what I’m referring to — allow!

Dear Ones,

Take a few deep breaths to clear your energy. Allow yourself to get quiet, notice and really feel your breathing and be in this moment, in this here and now.

Allow your heart to open, much like a flower opens to the sunshine. Allow your light to shine bright. Feel how bright your light is. Allow the Divine to fill your heart with so much love that it overflows. Feel the expansion with each breath you take.

In every kindness your light shines brighter. Allow your light to be the brightest it has ever been.

Now is the time to shine your light with your kindnesses, with your attitude of gratitude, with your listening and truly hearing, to be present in this now moment. Now is the time to allow yourself to be all of this a well as to accept this from others.

When another is sharing their light with you, allow yourself to be present to truly hear and see them as they are.

Allow your heart to be open to accept the love that is coming to you, from the Divine, from your Loved Ones, from many in human form. As you allow today, it opens the door for more to come in tomorrow. Allow and expand.

We are here to assist in any way we can. All you need do is ask.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC

The Angel Card reading can be found on my Sue Broome YouTube channel.